Tesis doctorales de Ciencias Sociales


Samuel Immanuel Brugger Jakob

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Artículos de revistas especializadas y papeles de trabajo

 Akyüz, Yilmaz (2008), “Reform of the International Financial Architecture.” En Third World Network, Briefing Paper 44, February 2008.

 Aninat, Eduardo (2001), “Desarrollo de los mercados de capitales”, Ponencia presentada en la Conferencia sobre el desarrollo de los mercados de capitales.

 Arshanapalli B. y J. Doukas (1993), “International Stock Market Linkages: Evidence from the pre-and post-October 1987 period”. En Journal of Banking and Finance 17 (1), 193-208.

 Atje, R. and Jovanovic, B. (1993), “Stock markets and development” European Economic Review, 37, 632-640.

 Babb, Sarah (1998), “Los profesionistas en el gobierno y el problema de la tecnocracia: el caso de los economistas en México”, Estudios Sociológicos XVI (48), 661-688.

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 Bollerslev, T. (1986), “Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedaticity”. En Journal of Econometrics 31, 307-27.

 Bollerslev, T., R. F. Engle y J. M. Wooldridge (1988), “A Capital-Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances”. En Journal of Political Economy 96(1), 116-31.

 Boyd, J. H. and Smith, B. D. (1996), “The co-evolution of the real and financial sectors in the growth process”,

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Working Papers 3523, National Bureau of Economic Research.

 Brugger, Samuel (2009c) “El contagio financiero. Una modelación econométrica mediante SARIMAX”. En proceso de publicación.

 Brugger, Samuel (2009b) “Las agencias calificadoras y su rol en las crisis financieras”. En Contribuciones a la Economía, Málaga, Junio de 2009.

 Brugger, Samuel (2009a) “Historia de la especulación y la usura”, EUMED, en proceso de publicación.

 Buiter, W. Y K. Kletzer (1996) “Monetary union and macroeconomic stabilization”, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Workingpaper 96-03,

 Business News Americas (2008), “FEM: Chile lidera ranking financiero en Latinoamérica”. Publicado el 9 de septiembre de 2008, 10:00 PM.(BNAMERICAS.com)

 Bustelo, Pablo, (1999), “Globalización económica, crisis financieras e integracion regional: enseñanzas de Asia oriental para America Latina”. En Revista de Economia Mundial. Huelva (1), 55-68.

 Calvo, G., Leiderman, L. and Reinhart, C. (1993), ”Capital inflows and real exchange rate appreciation in Latin America: the role of external factors”. IMF Staff Papers 40(1), 108-151.

 Calvo, Guillermo A., y Enrique Mendoza (1996), “Reflections on Mexico’s Balance-of-Payments Crisis: A Chronicle of a Death Foretold”. En Journal of International Economics 44, 223-34.

 Capasso, Salvatore (2004), „Stock market development and economic growth: a matter of informational

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 Eichengreen, Barry, Andrew K. Rose, and Charles Wyplosz (1995), “Exchange Market Mayhem: The Antecedents an Aftermath of Speculative Attacks”. En Economic Policy 21 (October), 249-312.

 Eichengreen, Barry, Andrew K. Rose, and Charles Wyplosz, 1996, “Contagious Currency Crises”. En CEPR Discussion Paper 1453 (Centre for Economic Policy Research).

 Eichengreen, Barry, Donald Mathieson y Bankim Chadha (1998), “Hedge Funds and Fianncial Market Dynamics”. En IMF Occasional Paper No. 166, Washington D.C., IMF.

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 Eun, C.S. y B.G. Resnick (1988), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty, Forwards Contracts, and International Portfolio Selection”. En The Journal of Finance 43(1), pp. 197-215.

 Everling, Oliver (1999), “Mehr als nur zwei Ratings”. En: Die Bank, Cuaderno 4/99:252-257.

 Filer, Randall K., Hanousek, Jan and Campos, Nauro (1999). “Do stock markets promote economic growth?”, William Davidson Institute Working Paper 267, September, University of Michigan.  Flood, R. y Garber, P. (1984b), “Gold Monetization and Gold Discipline”. En Journal of Political Economy 92, 90


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 Flood, Robert P. & Nancy Peregrim Marion (1997), "Policy Implications of "Second-Generation" Crisis Models". En IMF Working Papers 97/16, International Monetary Fund.

 Flood, Robert P., and Nancy Marion (1995), “The Size and Timing of Devaluations in Capital-Controlled Economies” (unpublished; Washington: International Monetary Fund).

 FMI (1995), “International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects and Policy Issues”, World Economic and Financial Surveys, Washington D.C. (agosto)  Forbes, K. y R. Rigobon (2002), ”No contagion, only interdependence: measuring stock market co-movements”. En Journal of Finance, 57, 2223-2261.

 Frankel, Jeffrey A. y Andrew K. Rose (1996), “Currency Crashes in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Treatment”. En Journal of International Economics 41, 351-366.

 Gerlach, Stefan and Frank Smets, 1995; “Contagious Speculative Attacks”. En European Journal of Political Economy, 11, 45-63.

 Glick R. y A. K. Rose (1998), “Contagion and trade: Why are currency crises regional?”. En Journal of International Money and Finance 18(4), 603-617.

 Goldfajn, Ilan y Rodrigo Valdés (1996), “The Aftermath of Appreciations”. En NBER Working Paper 5650 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: National Bureau of Economic Research).

 Goldfajn, Ilan, y Rodrigo O. Valdés (1998), “Are Currency Crises Predictable?”. En European Economic Review. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=99448

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 Greenwood J. Y B. Jovanovic (1990), “Financial Development, Growth and the Distribution of Income”, Journal of Political Economy.

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 Gurley, John. G. y E. S. Shaw (1955), “Financial Aspects of Economic development”. En American Economic Review, septembre 1955.

 Hafianti, Silvi & Brugger Samuel (2008), „Reforming the International Financial System“. En MGG 3, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklung.

 Hand, John, R. Holthausen y R. Leftwich (1992), “The effect of bond rating agency announcements on bond and stock prices”. En: Journal of Finance XLVII:733-752.

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 Herrarte, Ainhoa, Medica, Eva y Otero, José (2000), “Modelos de Crisis Financieras”. En Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Instituto L. R. Klein, Documento 00/1, Madrid.

 Holmstrom, Bengt y Jean Tirole (1997), „Financial Intermediation, Loanable Funds, and the Real Sector“. En Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 (3): 663-691.

 Jaffee, Dwight & Shleifer, Andrei (1990), "Costs of Financial Distress, Delayed Calls of Convertible Bonds, and the Role of Investment Banks”. En Journal of Business, University of Chicago Press, vol. 63(1), pages S107-23, January.

 Kamin, Steven B. (1996), ''Monetary Policy in the End-Game to Exchange-Rate Based Stabilizations: the Case of Mexico''. En Journal of International Economics 41(1996), 285-307.

 Kamin, Steven B., (1988), “Devaluation, External Balance, and Macroeconomic Performance: A Look at the Numbers”. En Princeton Studies in International Finance 62.

 Kaminsky, G.L., S. Lizondo y C.M. Reinhart (1998), “Leading Indicators of Currency Crises”. En Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund 45(1), March, 1-48.

 Kenneth A. Froot, David S. Scharfstein y Jeremy C. Stein (1990), "Herd on the Street: Informational Inefficiencies in a Market with Short-Term Speculation". En NBER Working Papers 3250, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

 King, M. A. y S. Wadhwani (1990), “Transmission of Volatility between Stock Markets”. En Review of Financial Studies 3:5, 5-33, London School of Economics.

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 Korajczyk, R. A. (1996), “A measure of stock market integration for developed and emerging markets” World Bank Economic Review, 10, 267-289.  Krugman, Paul (1996), “Are Currency Crises Self-Fulfilling?”. En NBER Macro Annual Conference, March 8-9.

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 L. Sarno & M. P. Taylor, 2003. "An empirical investigation of asset price bubbles in Latin American emerging financial markets" En Applied Financial Economics, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 13(9), 635-643..

 La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer y R. Vishny (1996), “Law and Finance”, NBER Working Paper 5661, National Bureau of Economic Research.  Levine, Ross (1997). “Financial development and economic growth: views and agenda”, Journal of Economic

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 Lipscy, Philip (2003), “Japan’s Asian monetary Fund Proposal”. En Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs 3 (1), 93-104.

 López Blázquez, Fernando y David Gutiérrez Rubio (2003), “Unbiased estimation in the multivariate natural exponential family with simple quadratic variance function”. En Journal of Multivariate Analysis 86 (1): 1-13.

 Lorenzo, Arturo (2006), “Modelos de Corrección de Error No Lineal entre Mercados Accionarios Latinoamericanos y el Mercado Accionario de Estados Unidos”. En Revista de Análisis Económico 21(1), 117-129.

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