BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL de Derecho, Economía y Ciencias Sociales


Luis Mauricio Cuervo González

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Referencias adicionales sugeridas por el autor

I. Ciudad Global

A. Temas generales: redes globales/sector financiero mundial

Brenner, Neil (1999), “Globalisation as Reterritorialisation: The Rescaling or Urban Governance in the European Union”, Urban Studies, p.431-451, vol.36, N °3.

Budd, Leslie (1998), “Global Cities and Finance: A Troubled Relationship”, en S. G. E. Gravesteijn, S. van Griensven, M. C. de Smidt (Eds); Timing global cities, p.67-83, Nederlanse Geografische Studies 241, Utrech.

Laulajainen, Risto I. (2000), “The Regulation of International Finance”, en Gordon L. Clark, Maryann

P. Feldman, Meric S. Gertler, (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, p.215-229, Oxford University Press, 742 p. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (1996), “Global City Regions: Searching for Common Ground. 12 Case Study Cities”, Landlines, vol.8, N °1, 7 p.

PIR-VILLES (Programmes Interdisciplinaires de Recherche-Villes) (1995), “Villes globales”, Lettres des Programmes Interdisciplinaires de Recherche Villes du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS), N °5, p. 3-10, julio.

Storper, Michael (2000), “Territoires, flux et hiérarchies dans l’économie globale”, Géographie, Économie, Société, vol.2, N °1, p.3-34.

Tickell, Adam (2000), “Finance and Localities”, en Gordon L. Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, Meric S. Gertler, (Eds); 2000, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, p.230-247, Oxford University Press, 742 p.

B. Ciudades de países desarrollados

Beckouche, Pierre (1995), “París as an international financial place”, Global Cities Project-Economy, Final Draft, noviembre, 16 p. (en E. Preteceille, New York, Tokio et París: globalisation et restructuration des métropoles, Rapport final de la recherche comparative internationale, PIR¬VILLES, CNRS), diciembre.

(1995), “Assessing París’ globalisation”, Global Cities Project-Economy, Final Draft, octubre, 34

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(1994), “Is París Global? Economic change in the París region during the last twenty years”, Paper for New York Conference on Global Cities, 3-5 octubre, 10 p. (en E. Preteceille, New York, Tokio et París: globalisation et restructuration des métropoles, Rapport final de la recherche comparative internationale, PIR-VILLES, CNRS), diciembre.

Beckouche, Pierre y Emmanuel Vire (1998), “La recomposition du centre économique Parísien”, en Pumain D. Mattei M. F, Données Urbaines 2, p. 287-296, INSEE-CNRS (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Anthropos, París, 471 p.

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Cities and Structural Adjustment, Londres, p.102-116, UCL press limited, 264 p.

Cybriwsky, Roman (1998), “The Shogun’s City at the Twenty First Century”, John Wiley & Sons, 260 p.

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Hoggart y David R. Green (Eds), London. A New Metropolitan Geography, p.8-33, Edward

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Hamnet, Chris (1998), “Social Polarization and Inequality in Europe”, en S. G. E. Gravesteijn, S. van Griensven, M. C. de Smidt (Eds); Timing global cities, p.32-40, Nederlanse Geografische Studies 241, Utrech.

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D. Mattei M. F, Données Urbaines 2, p.309-317, INSEE-CNRS, Anthropos, París, 471 p. Lainé, Frédéric (1998), “Mobilité des établissements et déconcentration urbaine”, En Pumain D. Mattei

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C. Ciudades de países del sur

Droulers, Martine (1998), “Sâo Paulo, ville mondiale et éspace régional”, En L’Information géographique, N °4, p.147-159.

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Harris, Nigel e Ida Fabricius (1996), “Cities and Structural Adjustment”, Londres, University College London (UCL) press limited, 264 p.

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Rodriguez, Carlos (1998), “Buenos Aires, Argentina: Metropolis, Nation and the World Economy. A Comparison Between the 1890s and the 1990s”, Working Paper N °85, Development Planning Unit, University College of London, 23 p.

Rodriguez-Pose, Andrés y John Tomaney (1999, “Industrial Crisis in the Centre of the Periphery: Stabilisation, Economic Restrcuturing and Policy. Responses in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region”, Urban Studies, p.479-498, vol. 36, N °3.

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II. Región

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Clark, Gordon L., Maryann P. Feldman, Meric S. Gertler, “Economic Geography: Transition and Growth”, en Gordon L. Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, Meric S. Gertler (Eds); 2000, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, p.3-17 Oxford University Press, 742 p.

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