Una Visión del Norte del Perú (vol. II)


Eduardo Amorós

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Huapaya Tantachuco Gabriela




El presente trabajo de investigacion tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de compra de los jovenes universitarios de ambos sexos hacia las tiendas de ropa ubicados en la calle Elías Aguirre de la ciudad de Chiclayo, el cual se logró aplicando una encuesta a estudiantes de las diversas universidades; llegando asi a la conclusion de que los jovenes hoy en dia suelen acudir a comprar su ropa mensualmente, debido a que este es influenciado mayormente por los amigos, y opta por comprar con el fin de poder ser aceptado al grupo social al que pertenecen y al mismo tiempo estar al tanto de la moda.

A esto tambien se le agrega algunos factores motivacionales como son el precio que ofrecen estas tiendas al cual los jovenes lo consideran como un factor influyente, ya suele ser accesible, pero ante esta perspectiva, tambien se pudo determinar que si el ingreso de los jovenes aumentase, estos optarian por acudir a otros centros comerciales de mayor categoria a comprar su ropa. A la vez se encontraron otros factores que atraen a los jovenes a acudir a comprar a estas tiendas, como es la calidad, la originalidad de las prendas, asi como tambien las marcas ofrecidas que otras tiendas no suelen tener, cubriendo asi sus expectativas.

Pero tambien se verá que mayormente los jovenes al acudir a comprar su ropa a una determinada tienda al cual el elige, no es influenciado por la publicidad que las tiendas suelen mostrar, por el cual se debe tomar medidas cautelares por parte de estas para poder de un modo atraer nuevos compradores y mantener a sus fieles clientes.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Motivación, Actitudes, Expectativas, influencia de compra, Marcas, Publicidad.


The present work of investigation has the objective of analyze the behavior of purchase of the university young men of both sexes towards the shops of clothes located in the street Elías Aguirre of Chiclayo's city, which was achieved applying a survey to students of the diverse universities; coming this way to the conclusion of which the young men nowadays are in the habit of coming to buy his clothes monthly, due to the fact that this one is influenced mainly by the friends, and to choose to buy in order to be able to be accepted to the social group to which they belong and at the same time be to so much of the mode.

To this also him one adds some factors motivacionales since they are the price that these shops offer whom the young men it consider to be an influential factor, already it is in the habit of being accessible, but before this perspective, also it was possible to determine that if the revenue of the young men was increasing, these to choose for coming to other malls of major category to buy his clothes. Simultaneously they found other factors that attract the young men to come to buy to these shops, since it is the quality, the originality of the articles, this way as also the offered marks that other shops are not in the habit of having, covering this way his expectations.

But also one will see that mainly the young men when comes to buy his clothes to a certain shop who it chooses, is not influenced by the advertising that the shops are in the habit of showing, for which it is necessary to take measurements you will protect on the part of these for power of a way new buyers attract and clients support his public inspectors.

KEY WORDS: Motivation, Attitudes, Expectations, influence of purchase, Marks, Public.