Wesley Clair Mitchell, 1874-1948


Economist nordamerican, Wesley C. Mitchell, s-a nascut la Rushville, Illinois si a studiat la Universitatea din Chicago unde a fost elev al lui Thorstein Veblen si John Dewey. A obtinut doctoratul in 1899. A fost  profesor la universitatile din California, Columbia si la New School for Social Research.

Membru de seama al scolii institutionaliste, a chestionat in continuu economia ortodoxa si si-a manifestat interesul pentru psihologia comportamentala. Intotdeauna a fost dispus sa colaboreze in diferite organisme guvernamentale: a fost chairman al Consiliului consultativ al presedintelui Roosevelt la Social Trends (1929-1933) si cofondator al National Bureau of Economic Research.

Principalele sale aporturi au fost in campul teoriei ciclurilor vazute dintr-un punct de vedere empiric, ceea ce a dat mare importanta culegerii de date statistice. Discipolul sau cel mai important a fost Simon Kuznets ce a continuat plictisitoarea munca a reculegerii de date, fiind premiat cu Premiul Nobel in 1971.

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Wesley Clair Mitchell

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A History of Greenbacks, 1903. 
Gold Prices and Wages Under the Greenback Standard, 1908. 
"The Backward Art of Spending Money", 1912, AER. 
Business Cycles, 1913. 
The Making and Uses of Index Numbers, 1915. 
"Wieser's Theory of Social Economics", 1915, PSQ. 
"The Role of Money in Economic Theory", 1916, AER. 
"Bentham's Felicific Calculus", 1918, PSQ. 
"Statistics and Government", 1919, JASA. 
"Prices and Reconstruction", 1920, AER 
"Making Goods and Making Money", 1923, Proceedings de la AEA. 
"The Prospects of Economics", 1924, Tugwell, editor, Trend of Economics. 
"Quantitative Analysis in Economic Theory", 1925, AER. 
Business Cycles: The problem and its setting, 1927. 
"Postulates and Preconceptions of Ricardian Economics", 1929, in Smith and Wright, editores, Essays in Philosophy. 
"Sombart's Hochkapitalismus", 1929, QJE. 
"Institutes for Research in the Social Sciences", 1930, Proceedings al Association of American Universities. 
"The Social Sciences and National Planning", 1935, Science. 
"Commons on Institutional Economics", 1935, AER. 
"Intelligence and the Guidance of Economic Evolution", 1936, Scientific Monthly. 
"Thorstein Veblen", 1936, en What Veblen Taught. 
The Backward Art of Spending Money 1937. 
Measuring Business Cycles in colaborare cu A.F. Burns, 1946. 
What Happens During Business Cycles, 1951. 
Lecture Notes on Types of Economic Theory, 2 volume, 1967.