La Industria Turística


Referencias citadas


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Bormann, Arthur

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Bowley, A. L.

An Elementary Manual Statistics. 4ª edic. MacDonald & Evans. Londres, 1931


Bowley, A. L. y Stamp, J.

The Nacional Income, 1924. Claredon Press. Oxford, 1927


Bratter, H. M.

The Promotion of Tourist Travel by Foreing Countries, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, 1931


Bücher, K.

Die <entstehung der Volkwirtschaft, H. Laupp’schen Buchhandlung, Tbinga, 1922


Buckle, H. T.

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Cary, M. y Warmington, E. H.

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Charlesworth, M. P.

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Clark, C.

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Cunningham, W.

The Industrial Revolution, reimpresión de The Growth of English Industry and Commerce in Modern Times. University Press, Cambridge, 1922


Davidsen, H. C.

Germanuy’s Tourist Traffic, Germann Commerce Yearbook, 1929


Day, Clive

A History of Commerce, Longmans, Geen & Co., Nueva York, 1929


Den, M.

Tourist Industry is Polygonal, “Kokusai Kwanko, Commemoration Number, 1939 – 35”


Dietel, E.

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Duncan, S. T.

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Engländer, O.

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Fleavearyear, A. E.

Alfred Weber’s Theory of Locations of Industries, THE University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ilinois, 1929


Gelbert, E.

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Gibbon, E.

Miscelaneuous Works, Londres, 1814


Glücksmann, Robert

Allgemeine Fremdenverkehrskunde, Verlag von Stämpli & Cie., Berna, 1935


Green, T. D.

The Present Economic Status of the Industry, Hotel Management, Junio, 1929


Grünthal, A.

Probleme der Fremdenverkehrsgeographie, edición del Forschungsinstitut für den Fremdenverkehr, Berlin, 1934


Gruntzel, Josef

Ecomic Proteccionism, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1916

System der Handelspolitik, 3ª edic. Julius Spinger. Viena, 1928


Haussler, Xavier

Der Fremdenverkehr: Eine Stidie über seine volkswirtschafliche Bedeuteung und seine Förderung, unter besonderer Berückstichgung der Verhältnisse im bayrischen Hochland. Universitätrssverlag von Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1930


Helander, Sven y Haslinger, Frans

Seeschifahrt, Handwörterbuch der Staatswisenschaften, 4ª edic. Tomo VII


Hoover, Herbert

Recent Economic Changes in the United States. Report of the Committee on Recent Economic Changes of the President’s Conference on Uemploymentt, Herbert Hoover, Chairman. National Bureau of Economic Research


Johnson, John

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Jones, E. D.

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Keysler, John G.

Travel through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary Switzerland Italy and Lorrain, 4 volúmenes, Londres, 1760


Klafkowski, M.

Organisationsgrundsätze der Fremdenverkehrsplege in Europa, Autoedición del Forschungsinstituts für Fremdenverkehr, Berlin, 1931


König, R.

Fremdenverkehr und Landwirtschaft, Der Fremdenverkehr in der Schwiz, Reden, Vortäge und Diskussionsvoten gehalten am Schweizerischen Verkekrskongress, Berna, 1934


Lacan, M. R. A.

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Lange, K.

Der Geschichte des Gatshausgewerbes im Altertum, Stehle, Die Geschichte des Hotels- Restauratations- und Kaffeehausgewerbes. Primer tomo. Einrich Killinger, Nordhausen am Harz


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Lestrade, G. P.

Some Reflections on the Possibilities of a Native Industry, The Social and Industrial Review, vol. 5, nº. 3, marzo, 1928


Macoulay, Lord

History of England, Everyman’s Library


MacMurray, John

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Mariotti, Angelo

Die Statisk des Fremdenverkehrs in Italien, Archiv für den Fremdenverkehr, 1931 – 32


Marshall, Alfred

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Mayr, Richard

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Mitchell, W. C.

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Moryson, Fynes

An Itinerary containing his Ten yeeres Travel thorow Twelvw Dominions, 1617


Münch, Traugott

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Ogg, F. A.

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Ogilvie, F. W.

The Tourist Movement, An Economic Study, P. S. King & Sons Ltd., Londres, 1933


Oppenheimer, Franz

Zur Soziologie des Fremdenverkehrs, Archiv für den Fremdenverkehr, 1932 – 33


Philippovich, E. von

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Pirath, Carl

Die Naturschutzparks der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika als Faktoren des Fremdenververkehrs, Archiv für Fremdenverkehr, 1931 – 32


Richardson, A. E. and Eberlein, H. D.

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Robertson, D. H.

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Rogers, A. W.

The Geological Structures of Union, Guide Book International Geological Congress, XV Session, South Africa, 1929


Rostovtzeff, M.

Caravan Cities, Taducción de D. and T. Talbot Rice, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1932


Rostchiedt, E.

The Importance of Nauen in Internationa Rasio Communication, German Commerce Yearbook, 1929


Sarkies, E. L.

The Importance of the Hotel Industry, Tesis doctoral, Leyden N. V. Book, en Steendrukkerry Eduarfs Ijdo, 1933


Sax, Emile

Die Verkehrsmittel in Volks- und Staatwisenschaft, Tomo 3, Lulius Spinger, Berlin, 1920


Schmidt, C. E.

Fremdenverkehrsprobleme, Kritishe Betrachtungen, 5ª edic., Berlin, 1924


Schultz, Bruno

Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Eisenbhanen, eine Studie zur Systemfrage, Gustav Fisher, Jena, 1922


Shand, A. I.

Old Time Travel, Personal Reminiscences of the Continent Forty Years Ago compared with Experiences of the Present Day, John Murray, Londres, 1903


Smith, Adam

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Notas de J. R. MacCulloch, Ward, Lock & Co., Londres,


Sommbart Werner

Der Moderne Kapitalismus, Duncker und Humbolt, Munich/Leipzig, 1928


Spiethoff, Arthur

Krisen, Handelswörterbuch der Staatwisenschaften, 4ª edic. Tomo VI


Stehele, J.

Der Hotel- Restaurations- und Keffeehausbetrieb, Tomo I, Heirich Killinger, Verlagsgeselschaft, m. b. H., Hordhausen am Harz


Swiss Bank Cporporation

Outline of Economic and Financial Condiions in Switzeerland, Basilea, 1933


Taussig, F. W.

International Trade, MacMillan & Co., Nueva York, 1927


Taylor, Kenneth W.

Report on the Tourist Trade in Canada with Special Reference to the Royal Bank Proposals, Report and Proceedings of the Especial Committee on Tourist Traffic, Ottawa, 1934


Teodorowic, Dr.

Organisations des Fremdenverkehrs in Jogoslawien Archiv für Fremfenkerkehr, 1934 – 35


Töndury, H.

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Treub, M. W. F.

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Tugwell, Rexford G.

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Viljoen, Stephan

The Economic Tendencies of To-day, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., Londres, 1933


Volney, M. C. F.

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Wagemann, Ernts

Fundamental Principles of Economic Policy, Supplement to the Weekly Report of the Germamn Institute for Bussines Research, Berlin, 2 de octubre, 1935


Weber, Alfred

Über den Standort der Industrien, Edición de J. C. B. Mohr, Tubinga, 1920


Webster, W. G.

A General History of Commerce, Ginn & Co., Nueva York, 1903


Wiese, L. von

Frendemverkher als zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, Archiv für Fremdenverkehr, nº 1, 1930


Young, Arthur

Travels in France during the Years 1787, 1788 and 1789,  Belles & Sons, Ltd., Londres 1924


Zachariah, O.

Travel in South Africa, 3ª edic. Publicada por South African Railways and Harbours, 1927


Enciclopedias y Diccionarios especializados

Bybelsch Woordenboeh, Schuurman en Westhoff

Chalmers’ Encyclopedia

Dictionary of National Biographiy

Dictionary of de Bible, Hastings

Encyclopedia Biblica

Encyclopedia Britannica

Encycolpedia of Social Sciences


Publicaciones de la Sociedad de Naciones

Balances of Payments

Enquiry into Clearing Agreements, Economic and Financial Series, 1935

Report of the Economic Committee on Tourist Traffic, 1934

Reviewa of World Trade

Statistical Yearbooks

Worl Economic Survey


Publicaciones Oficiales y Leyes (solo se transcriben en esta versión las que el autor cita relacionadas con el turismo)

The Tourist Trade in Canada, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Department of Trade and Commerce and the Report and Proceedings of the select Comité on Turist Trade, Ottawa, 1934

Rapports d’Ensemble du Conseil National Economique: le Tourisme, le Thermalisme et le Climatisme, y Journal Officiel de la Republique Française

Hotel Industry Financing Acta, Italia

Develpment of Tourist Industry in Japan, Board of Tourist Development, Japanese Government Railways

Report on the Proceedings of the Oriental Congress, 1935, publicado por Board of Tourist Industry

Statics of Foreing Visitors, publicado por Board of Tourist Industry

An Extact from the Public Acts of New Zeland, 1908 – 31

Reports on the External Migration of the Dominion of New Zeland

Annual Reports of the General Manager of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts and Publicity

Der Fremdenverkehr in der Schwiz im Jahre 1934

Der Fremdenvekehr in drer Schweiz im Winter 1934 – 35


Estatutos, Informes anuales y otras publicaciones de las organizaciones turísticas en diferentes países

The Constitution of the Australian Nacional Travel Association

Annual Reports of the Australian National Travel Association What it is and What it is Doing (folleto)

Memorandum and Articles of the Association of the Travel and Industrial Development Association og Great Britain and Irland

Annual Reports of the Executive Committee of the Asociation

Statisca del Movimento Turistico in Italia de los años 1924 a 1931publicado por ENIT (Ente Nazionale per le Industria Turistiche)

Relations sull’ Acttivita Svolta nell’ Anno 1932 publicada por ENIT, Roma, Italia

The Japan Tourist Bureau: Brief History, Present Activities and Articles of Association, 1935

Landsläget för Reiselivet I Norge Turisttaldistikken, Oslo

Status de l’Association Nationales por le Developpmen du Tourisme

Der Fremdenverkehr in der Schweiz, publicado por Scheizerische Verkehrszentrale, Suiza


Otras publicaciones

The Economist, The Sphere y The Times, Londres

Travel Japan, Vol. 1, nº, 2

Rand Daily Mail